Monday, February 14, 2011

Awesome day with awesome people

warning : i think somehow today's update is gonna be a lot longer than usual so feel free to click on the x button on the upper right of your screen if you don't feel like reading this awesome update. HAHA. just kidding. not awesome at all.

so exactly two days ago, i went to this Karnival Pengajian Tinggi which was held at KTC. It was hmm how do i describe it in two words? oh yeah SARDINE CAN. it was packed. school students were everywhere. i repeat everywhere. okay, i thought this carnival thingy was supposed to be for SPM and STPM leavers, or did i get the information wrong?

2NE1 Pictures, Images and Photos

went to this carnival with Ina, Nadia, Afifah, Leen and Shafiq. yupe jump up and down in joy! bersorak riang macam gif 2NE1 tu. And we bumped into Mimi and Mira somewhere in the building. Honestly, i was sweating like gilaaa aircond tak berfungsi ke? Eh lupa, takder aircond kat tempat yang swasta punya tu. Dah la asyik duk bertepuh tangan dengan lelaki-lelaki kat sana. yawww. eh tak baik, berdosa. mengucap.

later that afternoon, we jalan-jalan kaki ker noodle station. omg panas, sweating, letih. wahh, what a perfect combination. HAR HAR. Dekat sini baru ambil gambar sebab yer lah takkan nak bergambar dalam KTC yang packed macam sardine can and fyi, i could barely breath in there. oh yeah.

yang kanan Shafiq, yang kiri Inani. Mereka takder hubungan apa-apa yer, so jangan pandai-pandai nak timbulkan scandal sebab gambar nie. Nanti boyfriend si Inani tu marah. Harr, kecoh satu negeri nanti youuu.

Yang kanan Rinee, yang kiri Nadia. Kitorang senyap jer. Sebab kitorang budak baik, tak buat bising dekat tempat awam. awww silakan puji beramai-ramai.

makan-makan borak-borak. cantikkan leen yang kanan dan afifah yang kiri? yer i know! aku sayang gila korang. mwahh kanan mwahh kiri. ini satu jer gambar original, yang lain semua kena assemble.

Lepas siap makan segala, me and Shafiq went back to KTC, oh yeah walking under the hot bright sun while exposing our innocent skins to uv rays. crahhhzeee. while the three went to mall in search for jobs. InsyaAllah dapat. THE END.

haha, bila tulis the end tu, rasa macam story book la pulak, ala-ala cinderalla gituee. okay, seriously aku sayang gila korang ! Thanks sebab lepak sama-sama. I love you people.


pi es : test jpj 28/2. lambat gilaa.
pi es : betul ker result spm bulan februari? Ya Allah.
pi es : atas inggeris, bawah melayu. hebat aku. eh it rhymes.
pi es : rinee dah pandai pakai gifs dalam post dia. majuu.
pi es : banyakk gila pi es. HAR HAR.

zhai jian.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

mano ado curang sayang!! alohhhhhh