Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is one big road with lots of signs

In a certain point in our lives, whether it was the last few hours, yesterday, two days ago, last year and so on, we must have atleast once, or twice, felt like giving up, or even worse, felt like ending our lives.

gambar ni amat menakutkan, kan? sorry terpaksa guna.

Maybe you haven't, but i have. It's the moment where everything just seems so wrong. The moment where everything fail to impress you - you failed in everything you do continuously, being called names by other people, being teased, being judged, being ignored by your own friends, being bullied and the list just go on.

And in your mind, the only solution to end this problem once and for all is to just suicide. Once your dead, you don't have to worry about these problems anymore. You can just rest in peace, or at least that's what you think. But hey, remember this, God doesn't make mistakes.

He made you, and for surely it wasn't a mistake. You were destined to live, even everyone has a reason to live. When you're facing a problem, just compare that problem to bigger ones, and you will somehow see that life is a lot easier.

Screw people who bullied you, who called you names, who called you a bitch, fat, ugly or black. The only way to revenge, is to be better than them. Maybe not physically, but mentally. Be better than them in education. Show them who's the boss in the future. They are the perfect ones now, but beauty doesn't last forever.

Everyone has a reason to live, you just have to find it. And as for me, the reason i want to keep living is because i'm thankful to God for blessing me with a wonderful family who loves me just the way i am.

Sekeping gambar membawa seribu makna.

So don't give up in life. Giving up is for cowards. Smile and stand up with pride. We all have a meaning and function in this world, because God just doesn't make mistakes.

pictures are from tumblr and google, minus the last one.


Taufiq Tiramisu said...

what a inspirational post to be shared.. i love this post ;)

RineeReza said...

Thanks Taufiq. Your blog is on my worth reading list since it's so freaking awesome. heee :)