Thursday, July 15, 2010

National Service, WHAT?

The one thing i hate most about today is the listing for PLKN - National Service. WTF! like seriously. Why was i chosen out of all the people here in my state? And out of my best buddies, only two were chosen, Me and Nina. Oh yeah thanks a lot! Kalau ye pun, biar lah semua buleh pergi, baru adil! TAK NAK PERGI~


tunku intan nabilah said...

likes this..hehe

RineeReza said...

OMG! @__@ dgn tergamaknya? Baru je tringat nk blanjo tan nga elaun hk buleh tu, xjadi doh la. :D

tunku intan nabilah said...

xpo la,save utk mg jh..