Monday, September 13, 2010

My Eid Celebration

Selamat Hari Raya dan Maaf Zahir Batin

To be honest, i don't think i enjoyed my raya as much as i did last year. Everyone keeps asking me about SPM, as if i don't realise that it's like a month away. And yes i already minus all the times i'll be playing and goofing around. I'm sorry that I'm not fully prepared for it yet.

Anyway, let's not ruin the perfect raya atmosphere by thinking about exams. HA HA.

I spent my 3rd day raya with my friends. Yeay for me because my parents, for once, actually l
et me spend my time with my friends. I gotta say, even though it was nothing like i expected it to be, it was still fun and i enjoyed my time. Not gonna lie.

So basically the friends i was talking about are Nadia, Nabila, Inani, Afifah, Syahir, Adib and Fariqzuan. Gosh, only now i realised how much i missed them. And also sorry to kawan-kawan yang lain sebab tak sempat nak pergi open house korang. If only i can drive on my own. Sigh.

And yes, i do realise that i suck at taking pictures. :P

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