Tuesday, February 8, 2011

stuff you need to know about me

Yeah, ummm no not really.

"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random random, things, fact, habits, or goal about you at the end, choose people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged. If I tag you, its because I want to know more about you, your cooperation is highly appreciated."

okay so here's the thing, i was tagged by my fellow friend, Ina Hishamuddin, to do sort of a survey about myself and the problem is that i have to list 25 things about me, probably things about me that other people don't know. yeah right 25 is wayyy too many.

and since i'm quite a lazy person, i've decided to do only ten. yes yes, it's gonna be short, hopefully. so here goes everybody. buckle up and enjoy reading, please.

1. I am scared of cockroaches. I've been fearing this creepy creature ever since i was a little girl. they have wings, they fly, smell, and well you know how they look like. just plain creepy.

2. I used to have hamsters and rabbits as my pets, but they all died long time ago, which explains why i said i used to have, not i have.

3. I love the everything about merlin. i love colin morgan as merlin. aww isn't he adorable? in the land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy, his name merlin. yeeeeeeeeeep. gosh, he makes me melt.

4. I play the piano. okay here's a fact, just because i say i can play the piano, it doesn't mean that i can play the piano well and if you love your ears, don't hear anything played by me.

5. oh my we are halfway to ten. People call me either rinee or sha. those are the two common most used name called by people and friends. Truth to be told, i've always prefer people to call me rinee. i think rinee suits me better.

6. I love to speak and write in english. yeah i know, you're gonna laugh reading this. and i'm sure you guys probably are gonna be like how can you possibly love to speak and write in english when obviously you have broken english? YEAH HAHA GO ON AND LAUGH AT ME, ATLEAST I TRIED. wow whats with caps?

7. I used to have a crush on a guy for 4 years. insane, i know ! hmm, i wonder what kind of magic spell he used on me? jampi bomoh black magic ke apa? haha okay lame story, let's move on.

8. My weight is, oh wait this is a little bit too personal. My weight is my secret. HAHA.

9. I love United Kingdom of Great Britain, duhh UK for short - England, Wales, etc. I love british accent. Why wasn't i born there? okay rinee bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Saya cinta Malaysia jugak.

10. finally the last one. I'm a girl, and i can't cook. There's nothing to be ashamed of because turn on the tv to channel AFC 703 in Astro, sit back and wow all the top chefs in the world are guys!

should i tag other friends? well to anyone who feels like doing it, ermm you know, do it. not gonna force or burden anyone to do this tag survey thingy. it took me 2 hours to think of only ten. HAHA.

zhai jian.



hahaha. sorry for burden you.
btw, i object no 4. because i think you're good enough in playing piano.

no 6. yeah! i know y. i know you well and also your BM. kah8. jgn marah

no 7. i guess i know who??

and no 10..... xboleh blah!

RineeReza said...

haha eh no worries. you didn't burden me at all la syg.

haha no 4. serious not good enough la. result exam pun atas pagar.

babe, everytime if i write anything about cockroaches an, automatic tringat ko mu. man, that incident is somehow hard to forget but bila tringat balik gila lawak ! haha xD

HaniDiana said...

1-tringt cito mso f2. *jolo maso f2.haha
2- agree wth ur tok wan

request:buat smpai no 25.please.please!

RineeReza said...

1- haha yes yes cerita masa form two. nak suka kalau tringat balik.

2- owhh tergamak kamu. tp silakan la, sbb dulu tu mmg my fault. xjaga pets dgn baik. :(

4- harap maklum, ini bukan mahkamah. haha xD joke2.

errr. sampai 25 too many la. 10 dah cukup la ehh. haha :DD